In the early hours of Friday afternoon, a witness contacted the police regarding an alleged dangerous object in a green area in Alingsås. The police patrol at the scene could not rule out that it was a suspected dangerous object and the national bomb squad was alerted to the scene.
– It is a kind of recorded object, similar to a telephone, says Christer Fuxborg, press spokesman for the police in the West region.
The area is cordoned off
Police have cordoned off an area of about 50 meters around the suspected dangerous object while awaiting bomb protection.
– Usually blocks a larger area, up to 200 meters. But in this case it is a very small object that is considered less dangerous, says Christer Fuxborg.
Update 17:45: The National Bomb Squad has completed its investigation of the object and the assessment is that it was harmless. Roadblocks have been lifted and a report of attempted destruction will be made.