Seen in the rear view mirror: it was a miracle that no one died when the two explosive charges detonated on the night of January 21. He first crashed into an attic corridor on Tönsbergsgatan in Husby. A few minutes later and a few hundred meters away, he detonated the next charge, on a staircase in front of a main gate at Sorögatan in Kista.
The devastation was extensive.
A very young child who was asleep in a stroller placed just inside Sorögatan’s main gate had perhaps the largest guardian angel.
Just before the little boy, the boy had started screaming and was picked up by his mother. Police photos of how he looked at the scene in the morning show how the stroller was thrown into the apartment by the loading pressure wave.

The devastation was great in both directions. In Sorögatan, all residents were forced to evacuate, it took four months before they could return home.
Photo: Preliminary police investigation
A couple of hours later, the police held a press conference in the courtyard of Tönsbergsgatan, where parts of an attic corridor were blown up in the air.
– The explosions in residential areas at night where unprotected citizens sleep and are on the other side of the border is as far as you can go, Anders Rissel, deputy chief of police in the North police area told DN at the time.
He also said that the police would do everything possible to prosecute those responsible for the attacks.
Today Wednesday he wakes up Ward prosecutor Carl Mellberg accuses two people suspected of being behind the blasts in various ways.
● A 22-year-old, himself raised in Husby, is charged with inciting gross public destruction and attempted aggravated extortion.
● A 24-year-old is charged, along with the 22-year-old, of attempted aggravated extortion.
● Another man, a 29-year-old, currently detained in Spain on suspicion of a notorious murder of a Swede in August 2018, was also expected to be charged with attempted extortion, but the Swedish police were unable to persuade him. the Spanish police to denounce the man the preliminary investigation, why the prosecution against the 29-year-old is delayed.

The explosive charges were so strong that the concrete floor gave way. “Disproportionate, life-threatening violence,” says Detective Inspector Jacob Påhlman.
Photo: Preliminary police investigation
However, according to police, there are no connections between the explosions in Husby and Kista with the murder in Spain or the conflict over drug trafficking believed to be behind it.
Instead, it is a debt of perhaps more than a million kronor that a 34-year-old man with strong two-way connections owed to the person who is now charged with incitement.
The now 22-year-old defendant was eager to get his money back. Two weeks before the explosives were detonated, he tried to pressure the 34-year-old man in various ways to return them to him. It’s not clear how much that was actually involved, but the interest rate was relentless and the debt, according to police, reached a million when she was little.
By then, the 34-year-old plaintiff had left Sweden for Egypt, so he was out of reach, unlike several of his loved ones.

The attic corridor on Tönsbergsgatan in Husby. Here the first explosive charge detonated.
Photo: Alexander Mahmoud
According to the prosecutor The 29-year-old detainee in Spain has participated in the extortion spying on the threats against the plaintiff through social networks. It is also said that he located the plaintiff in Egypt. This has happened since the Spanish prison where the man is being held on suspicion of a particularly brutal murder where the victim, according to Spanish media reports, was found handcuffed, tied and tortured in various ways.
In the Spanish prison, the 29-year-old has had access to a telephone from which he manages his accounts on social networks. The fact that the 29-year-old is suspected of having participated in extortion and thus lent his violent capital is assumed by the police investigator is because he was simply friends with the 22-year-old who wanted to get his money back for a long time.
The success of the police in the case, which is unusual when it comes to explosions, is due to the fact that witnesses who were heard at the beginning of the investigation recounted how the family was pressured for money in the weeks before the boy.
In this way, the target could be identified and the police could begin to solve the puzzle that led to today’s indictment.
– It can be repeated that explosions are difficult to investigate. They often take place in the middle of the night, often the perpetrator is already far away and there are rarely witnesses, says crime inspector Jacob Påhlman, who led the police investigation.

“We easily get away, but many feel terribly bad about what happened. All basic security is taken away,” says Lars Arvestad, who lives in Sorögatan in Kista. The family, their son Alexander and his wife Miranda, stayed in a hotel for several months.
Photo: Alexander Mahmoud
After many knocks on the door, filming and questioning, the now 22-year-old defendant was arrested in a dawn raid in late May this year.
Police photo It is that the 22-year-old lent money to the 34-year-old, who was later written in one of the addresses where he was little. The purpose was for the 34-year-old to grow the money, perhaps through some kind of pyramid scheme, the police are not sure.
But the money disappeared. The 34-year-old did not want to tell when, where or how it happened and the police do not even know where the plaintiff is currently.
The 22-year-old defendant denies the crime, something he has in common with the 29-year-old detainee in Spain.
The police and prosecutors, however, believe they have evidence in the form of intercepted conversations, chat rooms, telephone analysis and witness statements. Among other things, the 34-year-old plaintiff tried to buy time by putting a car that wasn’t his on the 22-year-old’s promise.

Outi Oja lives in front of the apartment where an explosive charge was located. “If I had been in the hallway when it happened, I don’t think I would have lived now,” he has previously told DN.
Photo: Nicklas Thegerström
Despite the fact that the police have invested great resources in the investigation, until the summer there were 15 people in the investigation group, they have not managed to tie any perpetrator to the scene. A handful of Noah analysts and researchers have also helped.
– We had a clear mandate to convert each stone. We have tried to do that. The bitter truth is that we didn’t go all the way, we haven’t been able to prove who actually carried out the blasts, says Jacob Påhlman.
Read more:
Four months after the explosion, Kista residents can now move home again
Residents say, “Our lives were kidnapped by lunatics we don’t know.”