Summer potatoes are threatened by freezing


Cold frost nights and lower grades in Skåne have caused the blast to fade over large chunks of freshly grown potato outdoors, writes ATL, Lantbrukets financial newspaper.

Many tubers have stopped growing and have restarted. This increases the risk of a lack of fresh potatoes until mid-summer and the potato season is postponed.

I’m not sure how long the potato will last

According to ATL, summer potatoes represent about 40-50 percent of sales for many of the growers. Instead, the potato reset now means there will be plenty of potatoes later this summer.

– We have planned large volumes of fresh potatoes until mid-summer. After the middle of summer, it is not certain that there will be a market. The problem is big money, especially since the economy is already under pressure for many growers, Potato Growers board member Per-Erik Bengtsson tells ATL.

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