Suggestion: The police should be able to visit young people for weapons.


From: TT


An investigation proposes that police should have more opportunities to physically visit suspected children.  Stock Photography

Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT

An investigation proposes that police should have more opportunities to physically visit suspected children. Stock Photography

It is proposed that the police have more opportunities to physically search young people under the age of 15 for weapons.

One of the goals is to make it more difficult for gangs to exploit children in criminal activities.

The investigation proposal was presented today to the Minister of the Interior, Mikael Damberg (S). This means greater opportunities for the police to intervene against young people under the age of 15 who are suspected of crimes. These can be interventions in the form of house searches, body searches and confiscations of objects.

Today, so-called coercive measures can only be used against children under the age of 15 if there are “special reasons”. The investigator proposes that this requirement not apply if there is a special reason to suppose that the child is being used in criminal activities.

The assessment is that the proposal leads to a significant reduction in the interest of criminals in involving children in criminal activities, while at the same time increasing opportunities for the police to access weapons.

The investigation also proposes that the police be given a greater opportunity to conduct home searches for crime prevention purposes, to search for weapons and other dangerous objects. Today, home searches for crime prevention purposes are mainly limited to vehicles and boats.

The new proposal means that this possibility is extended to commonly accessible spaces, such as stairs, basement hallways and laundry rooms in or adjacent to apartment buildings.

However, the proposal does not apply to housing or private storage in such houses.

