It was at midnight on Monday that a subway train, for unknown reasons, passed the terminal stop in Spijkenisse, near Rotterdam.
The tracks end on a bridge ten meters high, over the water. The final wagon was pushed into the air and would have crashed, if not for a work of art, which is surrealistically called “Saved by the tail of the whale”, Saved by the tail of the whale.
The gigantic work of the plastic rises like two tails out of the water, and one was rounded so the train car could park on top.
The support of the whale’s tail prevented the train from sinking into the water, and the conductor, who was alone on the train, survived the accident without injury.
Maarten Struijs, the artist behind the work, is surprised by the coincidence.
– I could never have imagined it this way, but it saved the driver’s life, he says according to The Guardian.
– I’m surprised he’s so strong. When plastic has been around for 20 years, it is not expected to last a train.
Rescue services worked on Monday with site security. Lifting the sculpture train is described as a complicated operation.