SMHI warns of floods
Two people have died and several are missing after the advance of Storm Alex in southern Europe.
When the storm now thunders over Sweden, warns SMHI.
– It’s an unusually large low pressure, says meteorologist Linus Karlsson.
In Venice, the city’s flood barriers were raised yesterday for the first time after warnings of the arrival of the powerful storm Alex.
Two people were killed in the storm in Italy, including a man in his 30s whose car was swept into a river. The enormous amount of rain raised the water level in the Po River by three meters in 24 hours.
Eleven people are still missing in Italy. And on the French side, around Nice, at least eight people are missing. In several French cities, 400 millimeters of rain are reported to have fallen in one day, the equivalent of three months of normal rain this year.
When Storm Alex now stops over Sweden on Sunday, no consequences of the same dramatic kind are expected. But SMHI has issued a class 1 warning for heavy rain, especially in Värmland, inland Dalsland and southwest of Lake Vänern. Here it can rain 40 millimeters of rain today.
– There will be large amounts of rain outside that area too, but it will be the strongest there. It can lead to backwaters and flooding if it worsens, says Linus Karlsson, a meteorologist at SMHI.
Photo: Steve Parsons / TT NEWS AGENCY
Storm Alex has caused major problems in southern Europe; now it comes to Sweden. Picture of Dorset, UK.
Wet ride
Storm Alex affects all of Europe. Its center is roughly in Great Britain and then spirals into the Mediterranean and into Norway and Sweden.
– It is an unusually large low pressure in terms of surface area, highlights, says Karlsson.
Rain falls on Götaland and Svealand during the afternoon and is expected to leave Götaland later in the evening to advance further towards Norrland, where persistent rain is expected on Monday.
Only on Tuesday night does Alex expect to leave Sweden.
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
An area of rain is moving north over much of the country on Sunday. Stock Photography.
Summer is not over yet
Although there is now rain and debris, it seems that autumn will be delayed this year.
In most of Norrland and north-west Svealand, it is already meteorological autumn, which means that the average daily temperature has been below 10 degrees for five days in a row.
Along the west coast and in Skåne, autumn usually arrives in mid-October, but in many places it will be later than normal, says Linus Karlsson.
– It is a meeting of constant struggle between hot and cold air, now favorable conditions have been given for the hot air to remain.