Stockholm region calls press conference – infection increases – News (Ekot)


Since a few weeks, the infection has increased in Stockholm due to the Stockholm region calling a press conference.

– We are very concerned about the situation in Stockholm at the moment, says Health and Medical Director Björn Eriksson.

– Many have begun to relax but are still two meters away, it is still what counts, and that we will try to continue to maintain. If we are all careful with these basic things, keep our distance, wash our hands, stay home in case of illness, take samples for symptoms, then we can reduce the spread of infection and suppress the disease, says Björn Eriksson.

Björn Eriksson says even if a doctor talks about the difficulties of treating patients with covid-19. In some patients there is a slight cold, but in others it turns into a serious illness.

Acting Infection Control Ph.D. Maria Rotzén Östlund urges everyone with symptoms to give it a try.

– You should not give up just because you got a negative test result, then you have to take it again, he says and believes that those who tested negative this spring should take the test again. The ability is good for testing, if you have the slightest symptoms that cannot be explained in other ways, such as migraines or allergies, Maria Rotzén Östlund recommends that you get tested for covid-19.

The proportion with positives The test result is right now, week 39, 4.1. From weeks 25 to 39, the average is 4.6 percent who tested positive.

– We are prepared to face a possible increase in hospitalized covid disease, says chief physician Johan Bratt, and believes that knowledge is now greater. But he says he would like to have the ability to take care of all the deferred care that we have achieved through the pandemic.

Coping with the pandemic, managing all regular medical care, and meeting the greatest medical need, which is a consequence of the deferral of care during the spring, are three challenges.

– Check people with chronic diseases, cancer screenings and to take care of all advanced operations, you have to do it now, says Johan Bratt.

– Now there are 24 people being treated with covid-19. In intensive care in Stockholm, the figure is five people.

Those who avoided Now it is urged to seek care during the pandemic. Nor should you cancel visits such as exams and checkups.

– It is extremely important that in this way you can detect potentially serious medical conditions.

It is addressed to family members to remind those who need to seek hospital care to do so.
