Of: TT
Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S). Stock Photography.
Today Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) is in Dalarna. On the agenda is a visit to the Tjärna ängar district in western Borlänge, which has recently received national attention after several serious acts of violence.
– We are in a situation where we have to stop him, says Jan Bohman (S), president of the Borlänge municipal council.
A “risk zone”. This is how the Borlängestad part is described in last year’s police report. The classification means that the grasslands of Tjärna are on their way to becoming so-called “particularly vulnerable areas” if nothing is done.
– There is clearly a concern, but it is not a “ghetto” directly, says Jan Bohman.
– It is a typical area of a million programs where a large part of the recently arrived population lives, but also many who have lived there all their lives, he continues.
Various events
Löfven’s visit comes after an autumn of shootings and knife cuts.
Various events have also received a lot of national attention. Among other things, when a large group of children blocked an ice cream truck and demanded ice cream, at the end of September. Something that made Hemglass stop staying in the meadows of Tjärna.
Just a few days later, the delivery of a newspaper during working hours was also threatened, prompting the distributor to reschedule its distribution schedule.
“A fucking belief in the future”
During the visit, the Prime Minister will meet with the police and representatives of the municipality.
– At Borlänge we have a fucking belief in the future and a determination to get away from the vulnerable list. We are determined to do that and we need support and help from the state, says Jan Bohman.
TT: What is the most important thing for the government to do?
– Oh my God. It is so difficult to reduce it to a single action.
The city council wants to discuss both the conditions of the measures in the long term and in the short term.
– It is about more police on the scene, but at the same time also about long-term work to create the conditions for people to fulfill the wish of their most intimate dreams, so that they do not choose to end up on the path of crime. Then it’s about work and education, says Jan Bohman.
The municipal council wants to take a number of measures to improve the situation, including 75 new surveillance cameras and more security guards in Borlänge.
– It is something that has been decided and will be decided, but it has its roots in the political majority of Borlänge.