Steep rise in infections in nursing homes: “It looks very bad” – News (Ekot)


– It looks very bad right now with the surge that’s happening, says Irene Nilsson Carlsson, public health adviser for the National Board of Health and Wellness.

The number of infected in the so-called special dwellings has increased from 235 infected in week 44 to 429 in week 45. Week 16, the week of spring in which the most infected were reported, was about 800 cases.

Since then the routines have hardened and Irene Nilsson Carlsson believes that it is very important that the staff follow them now. But he is also concerned that various regions may not have time for testing.

– It is important that you go fast so you have time to find out quickly and can have staff on site. Because it’s important that you have the right staff on site and that you don’t get too much sick leave because you don’t take the test, she says.

The curve of the number of infected in nursing homes it is pointing upward and reports lag behind, but Irene Nilsson Carlsson cannot say now how great the risk is that we will hit the high numbers of last spring.

– You dare not say that, but I hope you can stop this sooner and that the measures you take to reduce the spread in society help, he says.
