After the protests, the nurses in the Gällivare Hospital emergency room also receive full compensation for work on covid care. Stock Photography.
As appreciation for their efforts in covid care, the Norrbotten region decided that just over 1,500 employees would receive a one-time special compensation of between 3,000 and 13,000 SEK, depending on whether they worked directly with covid care or not.
However, according to the standard of the region, the emergency nurses at Gällivare Hospital had not worked with direct covid care. Thus, they received the lowest compensation, leading to the staff collapse earlier this year, according to SVT Nyheter Norrbotten.
But after the protests, the regional board politicians have listened and changed their minds. Now, instead, nurses will receive the maximum amount, as well as emergency personnel and ambulance personnel from the region.
– It’s worth it several times, and we should have been included from the start. But it’s good that they listened to us and value the work we do, says emergency nurse Lisa Sardén to SVT Nyheter Norrbotten.