
With well thought out end-to-end solutions, Dell Technologies offers its customers everything from computers, servers and monitors to cloud services, on-demand solutions, and smart IT financing. Now they are taking the next step and expanding financing possibilities so that digitization work does not have to be slowed down by the current situation.
Dell began in 1984, when founder Michael Dell began selling computers directly to consumers and businesses. Since then, Dell has continued to grow and develop, and with the acquisition of EMC four years ago, which remains the largest acquisition in IT history, the company experienced the biggest change to date. In February 2020, the name was changed to Dell Technologies, part of the work to more closely link the various operations of the company.
– The business concept is to offer an end-to-end portfolio of consumer and financing opportunities based on customer needs and how they use their IT, regardless of user or customer, says Johan Östlund, Business Director, Dell Technologies.
Dell Technologies vision is to create technology that propels humanity forward and the business is built on promoting equality, diversity and sustainability. By 2030, for example, the company aims to have employees half of women and men.
– As a company, we are very concerned that everyone feels proud of our products and services, but also of the brand itself. I realize this, for example, during our European meetings when we dedicate both work time and financial resources to charity, says Markku Korva, regional director of sales for Dell Financial Services.
Financing program for continuous innovation
At the end of last year, no one could have imagined that 2020 would be marked by a pandemic, no one could predict the effects it would have on our society as a whole, or on individual companies. Companies around the world have had to rethink and adapt their business model and the pandemic has forced many companies to accelerate their digitization work. It has also meant that many have been forced to prioritize what investments they have the opportunity to make, which in the worst case slows business development. Here, flexible consumption models can be part of the solution: under Dell Technologies On-Demand, fixed and predictable arrangements are offered where customers only pay for the amount of IT they actually use and it’s easy and simple to adapt as needs change.
Dell Technologies has also launched a $ 9 billion financing program to help customers take the next step in their digitization despite changing circumstances. However, financing solutions are nothing new, but something that Dell Technologies has been working on for more than twenty years to bring better business opportunities to its customers and increase their competitiveness.
– It is important for us to offer our clients help and support on how they can grow with innovative IT projects. The $ 9 billion financing package aims to stimulate and keep clients’ businesses alive when they need to invest in technology to restructure their businesses. This has meant that our customers have gained access to advantageous alternatives to buy, for example, computers for telecommuting and the opportunity to pay for IT at the consumption rate, says Markku Korva.
Strategic digitization partner
The Dell Technologies team maintains an ongoing dialogue with its customers to understand the challenges they face. It’s all driven by customer KPIs and the knowledge that building a flexible and secure digital framework is important to stay competitive and development opportunity.
– We are the only company that can, end-to-end, offer a strategy on how to build and manage an infrastructure from the desktop, to the data center, and in the cloud. We find the right single solution for each client, we understand their challenges, how they should use their data and adapt and develop the business idea based on technical and regulatory conditions, says Johan Östlund.
Dell Technologies On Demand: https://www.delltechnologies.com/sv-se/solutions/dell-technologies-on-demand.htm#accordion0
Payment flexibility program: https://www.delltechnologies.com/sv-se/payment-solutions/index.htm
ABOUT Dell Technologies
Dell Technologies helps organizations build their digital future with the broadest and most innovative portfolio of products and services on the market. At the Swedish offices in Solna and Gothenburg, experts and consultants work with cutting-edge knowledge on everything from servers and clients to cloud services and storage solutions. Read more here.