Spain: The blunder on the left plays well in the hands


In both Madrid and Murcia, the right-wing PP has governed with the help of Ciudadanos, a center party in rapid decline at the national and regional level. Ciudadanos was the largest party in the Catalan parliament until the elections a month ago, when it lost 30 of its 36 seats. The party’s leader, Inés Arrimadas, began negotiations a few weeks ago with the Minister of Transport, José Luis Avalos, and the ‘fixer’ of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez.

They agreed that Ciudadanos, a right-wing party in both the Murcia and Madrid governments, would transfer its support to the Socialists, who could thus form a government in both regions without new elections. But when distrust was aroused in the Murcia parliament, it turned out that half of the members of Ciudadano refused to obey the party leader’s order to overthrow the right-wing government.

Head of Government of the Community of Madrid Díaz Ayuso understood that a similar maneuver, directed at her, was on the way in Madrid. At the same time that the Socialists and Ciudadanos demanded a vote of no confidence against him, Díaz Ayuso announced new elections in May and paralyzed the plans of the opponents. If he wins the elections, he has good prospects of becoming leader of the PP also at the national level in the near future.

Inés Arrimadas, leader of the Ciudadanos party.

Inés Arrimadas, leader of the Ciudadanos party.

Photo: Oscar Gonzalez / NurPhoto / Shutterstock

A storm of protests against the electoral intrigue of the leader of the Arrimada party has broken out within Ciudadanos. It is likely that she will be forced to resign. It looks so bad for his party, that it received a starburst in the last Spanish elections in November 2019, when it fell from 57 to 10 seats in the Spanish Congress.

Regeringschefen Pedro Sánchez I have not gained anything in this adventure either. He governs in coalition with Podemos, a radical left party whose positions are contrary to Ciudadanos.

Both Podemos and political analysts understand that the cooperation between the Socialists and the Citizens in Murcia and Madrid were not isolated phenomena, but the prelude to continuous cooperation, where Sánchez hopes to attract both Citizens and his one and a half million voters, to make less dependent on the increasingly radical Podemos.
