Independent developers struggling during the pandemic will receive money from Sony. Now the gaming giant starts a fund of SEK 100 million.
Sony spends $ 10 million, or just over $ 100 million, on smaller game studios they partner with, CEO announces Jim Ryan on the Playstation blog. The money goes to a fund for independent developers who need additional support during the crown crisis.
“Independent developers are vital and the heart and soul of the gaming world. We understand that smaller gaming companies are going through significant financial tests, ”Ryan writes.
So far, it is unclear who meets the criteria and can apply for a grant, but more information will be released shortly.
The console giant is also launching the “Play at Home” initiative in hopes of preventing the spread of the infection. Sony is trying to encourage Playstation owners to stay home by bidding on a bunch of free games.
Overnight (April 16) and through May 6, you can download “Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection” and “Journey” completely free of charge. You can keep the games as long as you want.
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