Son’s flirtation about becoming president after Trump


The Instagram post shows Donald Trump Jr. smiling, pointing to a banner with the text “Don Jr. 2024,” adorned with an American flag. 2024 is the year that President Donald Trump’s second term ends if he wins the election against Joe Biden on November 3.

Donald Trump Jr., who begins the post with a long laugh, then says the photo was taken at a cattle auction in Fallon, Nevada.

“The head will explode on all liberals after this,” writes the son of the president.

Donald Trump Jr.’s Instagram post

Donald Trump Jr .: “Thanks for the compliment”

Donald Trump Jr. thanks to the unknown creator of the banner for the compliment.

“But we are going to go through 2020 with a great win first!”concludes Donald Trump Jr. followed by laughing emojis.

Donald Trump Jr. has campaigned vigorously for the president this fall. His popularity during campaign rallies, according to the Daily Mail, has led to speculation that his son is also about to start a political career by trying to become mayor of New York when Bill de Blasio leaves next year. However, his father thinks it would be a bad idea.

“He can’t win as a Republican, he wouldn’t stand a chance,” Donald Trump told Fox News last month.

READ MORE: The anger of Trump’s son against transatlianos
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Here, Trump is in the middle of the audience, giving autographs.
