In February, Leo Borg debuted in a tournament in Bergamo, Italy, on the Challenger Tour, which was elevated during the ATP Tour. The DC captain already has his eyes on Björn Borg’s legendary 17-year-old son, and when Söderling visits double player Markus Eriksson in Gothenburg this week, Borg is also expected to join and train, just like some other juniors.
TT: Do you see him (Borg) as current?
– Not for the Davis Cup team as it is now. Sure, it’s a bit lacking until November, but no, in terms of gameplay, it’s still not there to take a seat. But he is definitely one of the two, three players who are most interested in joining the Davis Cup team in x years, says Söderling.
But there is more.
– Måns Dahlberg is a guy who has done really well, an exciting player. He was born the same year as Leo (2003). Obviously, it’s important for me to keep a close eye on the best juniors between the ages of 17 and 18, those who will be the Davis Cup team of the future. When we can start to work really well (after the crown), the idea is that you should spend a lot of time on that, too.
Crazy tennis match: 12 shots on the roofs: