So Federley kept information about the party’s crimes secret.


From: Olof Svensson


Fredrick Federley met the convict online this spring, according to information from Aftonbladet.

The two began a relationship over the summer and the man is said to have told her about the crimes he committed early on.

But information about the crimes was kept secret from party leaders; just five months later Fredrick Federley decided to tell it.

Fredrick Federley announced on November 26 that he was taking a break from politics. In a post on Facebook, he wrote that he feels bad and that what is written about his former “close relatives” is true. The related man has been convicted of aggravated rape of a child 22 times and various other sexual offenses against children.

The message had a great impact. EU MP Federley is one of the Center Party’s leading politicians. He is close to party leader Annie Lööf and has led two very successful personal election campaigns in the EU elections.

Met online

Federley informed the leadership of the Center Party about the man’s crime three days before his public statement. Party Secretary Michael Arthursson wrote in a text message to SVT that Federley had been aware of the crime for the longest time and that it had “damaged trust in him.”

With the help of a host of transparent sources, Aftonbladet is now able to report that contact between Federley and the convict began in early May to June 2020. They met online and a few weeks later the man visited Federley on his farm.

According to information from Aftonbladet, Federley must have already known his criminal history at the beginning of his contact with the man.

He takes distance but wants to give it a second chance

The time stamp corresponds to what the party members of the local center declare in a letter to the party leadership. According to DN, the center-right parties write in the letter that Federley was aware of the man’s crime in June. The letter also says that Federley told people around him that the man is innocent.

According to Aftonbladet sources, the convict has stated that Federley strongly dissociates himself from his crime, but is willing to give him a second chance.

C-politician Fredrick Federley.

Photo: Björn Lindahl

C-politician Fredrick Federley.

Claimed they went their separate ways

On September 11, both the man and Federley are said to have participated in a meeting with the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and Social Services, something Aftonbladet had previously reported on. Later, the authorities should have informed them of the decision to inform those close to him about the man’s criminal record. According to information from Aftonbladet, Federley must have reacted strongly to the decision.

Three days later, Federley himself is said to have contacted the Swedish Prison and Probation Service and said that he and the man had gone their separate ways. Aftonbladet, however, revealed that the contact continued much later, something also confirmed by the Center Party.

Expert: security risk

The circumstances could potentially constitute a security risk, according to Johan Matz, a senior lecturer who researches intelligence analysis at Lund University.

If someone were to discover that the politician has a relationship with someone who has committed a serious crime, that person could blackmail the politician to obtain interesting information or influence him.

– I do not want to comment on the specific case. In general, it can be said that people who have decision-making functions not infrequently receive secret information. And politicians are always potential targets for the ambitions of a malicious actor to influence in some way.

What could it be for malicious actors?

– A foreign power may have that interest, but there are also many other forces in society that could have interests in different directions.

Aftonbladet has contacted the Center Party to comment that Federley kept information about the crimes secret for the party. Press secretary Anna Simon-Karlsson refers to a statement Michael Arthursson gave to SVT:

– Previously we have commented on several occasions in the media that it is problematic that Fredrick Federley has long known about this person’s crime. We do not know if the time information that has arrived now is correct.

Photo: Staffan Claesson / TT

PODD Lena Mellin on Fredrick Federley

Aftonbladet Daily with Lena Mellin.

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