SMHI warns about ice skating in much of the country


An area with rain and snow is moving from the west towards Sweden. This at the same time that softer air is coming in from the south after the Christmas weekend.

It gives a risk of sudden ice slippage in southwestern Svealand and Västmanland on Sunday morning when rain falls on cold roads, SMHI writes in a Class 1 weather advisory.

Regn ger ishalka

On Sunday, SMHI also extended its weather warnings for sudden ice slides to Västernorrland and Västerbotten, where Sunday’s snowfall can turn into rain and thus lead to ice slides.

“Rain can fall on cold roads all over southern Svealand and the Norrland coast and lead to slippery roads. Snowfall over Norrland can also be heavy “, writes SMHI meteorologist Axel Stigborg.

The climate is dominated by a deep and large low pressure that lies between Iceland and the British Isles. It provides soft air, strong winds and increased rainfall over the country. But not much sun, according to SMHI.

Heavy snowfall

In Svealand and Norrland, snow falls in abundance in the far north. Warm air turns snow into rain, creating icy roads and slippery roads.

The snow cover in Svealand is expected to thaw in the rain.

At the same time, SMHI issues a class 1 warning for high winds up to gale force in all waters.

Unstable New Years weather

Deep low pressure also controls the weather at the beginning of the week and there will be new areas of precipitation from the southeast. It is also colder. And it will be unstable until New Years.

“The low pressure is filling up more and more and the remnants of the low pressure are moving over Scandinavia towards the middle of the week. This makes the unstable weather seem to last through New Years weekend. “ Meteorologist Axel Stigborg writes in SMHI.

HERE you can see the landslide forecast where you live and in the rest of the country

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