Skultuna opens store in Gothenburg


Commercial premises are empty in many places in central Gothenburg. Many employers speak of high rents and clients that have disappeared both in relation to the pandemic and the construction of various roads in the city center.

But just in time for Christmas shopping, there will be a new store in one of the holes.

In July, GP was able to report that the chocolate maker Flickorna Kanold closed its two stores in Gothenburg.

– I will try to do everything that I have not had time to do. It’s time to find out what’s outside this mall. I also want to focus on my hobbies like golf, tennis, horse riding, and salsa. Above all, it should be nice to come home to the kids and be able to talk about something other than the family business, owner Jeanna Kanold then told GP.

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Skultuna opens in Gothenburg just in time for Christmas shopping

It is now clear who will take over the facilities at the entrance to Victoria Passage – Skultuna, something that Real Estate Sweden has also reported on.

Property owner Wallenstam confirms that Skultuna will be moving into the premises before Christmas shopping this year.

– We are very much looking forward to the establishment of Skultuna in the Victoria district, says Marina Fritsche, vice president of Wallenstam, in a written comment to GP.

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The company has existed for more than 400 years.

Skultuna is perhaps best known for its designer vases and brass chandeliers. But they also sell, for example, vessels, jewelry and sculptures.

Skultuna Messingsbruk was founded by King Charles IX in 1607 and, according to its own website, is one of the oldest companies in the world. Skultuna remains a court provider to the royal house of Sweden.

Today the factory has a shop on the premises of the old factory in Skultuna, north of Västerås, and in Stockholm. The store that will now open in Södra Larmgatan, at the entrance to Victoria Passage, will be the first in Gothenburg.

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