Skara Sommarland’s fear: going bankrupt


A real threat of bankruptcy looms over Skara Sommarland, says Summer Country Executive Director Janne Nilsson.

This is if the government does not decide on new hearing rules for next year.

– Yes, it’s pretty obvious. You cannot run a business for two years in the air, the money must be returned. Yes, there is a very high risk of this happening, says Janne Nilsson to P4 Skaraborg.

550 lost their jobs

Skara Sommarland did not open at all in 2020, following the government’s announcement of a maximum limit of 50 people at public gatherings and public events before the pandemic.

550 seasonal employees thus lost their jobs in the summer country at the same time that half of the permanent staff were laid off.

– It is an incredibly heavy and sad message that we must carry today, said then CEO Janne Nilsson.

That was Skara Sommarland during the crisis of the crown. Closed.Photo: HENRIK JANSSON

Not being able to open at all has meant huge economic losses, not only for Skara Sommarland but also for other amusement parks.

The giant Liseberg alone will lose 1.2 billion in sales this year and is expected to see a negative result of around 500 million.

FHM must give a message

Now the government has asked the Public Health Agency to present a message on what should apply to amusement parks, Skara Sommarland CEO Janne Nilsson told P4 Skaraborg.

– You may not have much hope, but somehow you have been commissioned to focus on the goal. Because we have to open up and start preparing for the inauguration, because that is not done overnight, he tells the channel.

READ MORE: Skara summerland does not open this year
READ MORE: Christmas in Liseberg is canceled: “It’s a lost year”

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