Photo: Isabell Höjman / TT
Woman examined by gynecologist, sample of cells for cervical cancer.
The Skåne region will no longer request cell sampling for HPV virus.
Instead, Scanian women will only perform self-tests, with certain exceptions.
– By offering self-assessments, we make it more flexible and easier for many women, says Gilbert Tribo (left), regional councilor and chair of the health and medical care committee.
Skåne begins self-sampling for cervical cancer
The Skåne Region will now be the first in the country to introduce self-sampling for the detection of the HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer.
Beginning in the fall of 2021, Scanian women between the ages of 23 and 70 will no longer be called in for cell sampling to midwives, but will instead receive a self-sampling kit sent home in the mailbox.
– We are taking important steps now to simplify the daily lives of many women. The puzzle of life is not always easy to accomplish, by offering self-assessments we make it more flexible and easier for many women, says Gilbert Tribo (left), regional councilor and chair of the health and healthcare committee in a press release region of.
Gilbert Tribo describes the initiative as a step towards more equitable care.
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
Skåne Region logo.
Gunilla Bodelsson, Operations Manager for Clinical Genetics and Pathology in the Skåne Region, writes in the press release that self-sampling will be as safe as tests performed by a midwife.
– If the self-sample shows traces of the HPV virus, the woman will receive a summons for a midwife to perform a specific cell sample, says Gunilla Bodelsson.
Those who do not have the opportunity to do the self-test should contact the region via care guide 1177.se for help from a midwife if necessary.
Since 2017, the Skåne Region has sent self-sampling kits to women who have been absent from their most recent cell samples. This has also been possible during the pandemic to reduce visits to medical care.
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