This is an article on Kristianstadsbladet. The opinions expressed are those of the author.
We read with interest that the Swedish government is now proposing a so-called reading package. This package includes, among other things, an investment in libraries to expand support and reach. We think it is a really excellent proposition. Now the Kristianstad municipality should also be vigilant and show that even politicians here in Kristianstad can make wise decisions and instead of discussing the closure of various library branches and reducing opening hours, make the place slippery, give a new twist and do the opposite.
It would really be a feather in the cap for Kristianstad if the proposals in the next budget were in the direction the government is pointing. We want to see more branch libraries, more generous opening hours when the population has the opportunity to go there, larger grants for the purchase of new books, perhaps also finding new larger locations for some smaller libraries. So now they have the opportunity, politicians from all parties sitting in the City Hall. What are you waiting for?
Ulla Inezdotter and Lars Nilsson