Of: TT
Photo: The Execution Officer
The Swedish Law Enforcement Agency is discontinuing the sale of so-called war vests online, vests that have often been confiscated from criminals and then resold to others accused of crimes.
The Swedish Enforcement Agency stops selling the more advanced types of bulletproof vests that are considered ammunition. This since the Swedish radio P4 Gothenburg and Ekot reviewed the business.
Vests have often been confiscated from known criminals and then resold to other people accused of crimes through the authority’s online auctions.
But now the Swedish Enforcement Agency has stopped all those sales.
– It is introduced immediately. In practice, this has the consequence for us that we will not confiscate or sell these safety vests, says Daniel Dalenbring, labor lawyer at the Swedish Enforcement Agency, to P4 Gothenburg.
Earlier this year, the Swedish Law Enforcement Agency sold a vest that also protects against military ammunition, from an automatic rifle. But these vests should be considered ammunition, which has caused the reaction of the Strategic Products Inspectorate (ISP), since the ammunition trade requires a special permit.