Severe nightmares in patients with covid


For the few who become seriously ill with COVID-19 and end up on a respirator, there is a risk of serious side effects.

Karin Samuelson is Associate Professor at Lund University School of Medicine and an intensive care nurse. Investigate the memories and well-being of patients during and after the intensive care unit.

Two of the side effects you may experience while wearing a respirator are nightmares and hallucinations.

– Covid patients may have more nightmares and hallucinations than other patients. It is because of the long time they spend in the intensive care unit and that they receive so many strong medications. Sometimes we have to stop breathing for the respirator to work, says Karin Samuelson, to SVT Nyheter Skåne, who was the first to break the news.

In addition, it affects the artificial sleep of patients and the body ends up in a stressful situation. The absence of relatives around you can also play a role.

Long-term care on a respirator

Nightmares can often be intense and detailed and often repeat themselves over and over again. Sometimes it can turn into a kind of paranoid delusion.

It’s not new information that people using respirators can have nightmares and hallucinations, but since seriously ill coviditis patients are often cared for for a long time in the intensive care unit, many of them are likely to be affected, according to Karin. Samuelson.

– It is those who stay a long time and those who receive very strong drugs who are mainly affected, he tells Kvällposten.

When patients wake up, some do not remember any of the time on the ventilator, while some still experience hallucinations during awakening.

– It is different for different patients.

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Kvällposten on the site of the University of Malmö
