Several roads are closed to the Norwegian border.


Only the so-called European roads between Sweden and Norway are open, that is, E14, E10, national road 95, E6, E16 and E18. This is announced by the Swedish Transport Administration in a press release.

The closed roads include Highway 118 over Gamla Svinesundsbron, Highway 102 between Håvedalen and Tyslingmo, Highway 165 between Vassbotten and Holtet, Highway 166 in Kornsjø and Highway 1330 on the Vika – Bokerød section.

The reason for the closure is Norway’s stricter crown restrictions. The roads are closed at the moment and there is no information yet on when they can be operational again.

All participants must be evaluated

Everyone who wants to travel to Norway now must also test for covid-19, either directly at the border or within 24 hours at the latest.

But there are several exceptions. Among other children under the age of 12 and those who commute to work in Norway do not have to be tested every time they cross the border, says Saliba Andreas Korkunc, political adviser to the Minister of Health and Care Services in Norway, to P4 Värmland.

Workers who commute to work can also be exempted from roadblocks and can pass even smaller closed border crossings.
