In the middle of the day, Sweden began mass vaccinating against COVID-19 with the Pfizer vaccine, which was called Comirnaty. Pfizer has tested its vaccine in a study involving more than 40,000 people and has data on people ages 16 and older. The vaccine has also been tested in people with certain underlying diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and chronic lung disease.
But there are still some question marks for various groups.
The vaccine has not yet been tested in pregnant women. Currently, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends that health care decide on a case-by-case basis whether pregnant women should take the syringe. The Swedish Medicines Agency believes that pregnant women should reason with a doctor whether it is appropriate to get vaccinated.
– There is no indication of any risk, based on the information now available, which is based primarily on animal studies. Vaccinating may be justified because the individual may have an underlying disease or remain in an environment where there is a very high risk of infection, says Ulla Wändel Liminga, the subject area responsible for drug safety at the Agency for Medical Products.
Another question mark They are children. The Pfizer vaccine is approved in the EU from the age of 16, although the evidence base for the 16-18 age group is limited. More data is on the way. In October, the company began testing its vaccine in people 12 and older, according to the AP.
Children have a more active immune system than adults and, theoretically, they may react more strongly to the vaccine. But currently, children are not prioritized because they are not counted as a risk group. However, there is no prohibition on vaccinating those deemed to be in need of protection.
– It may happen that doctors judge that some children greatly benefit from receiving the vaccine, that they have diseases that make them sensitive to covid-19.
There are also question marks around people who have impaired immune function, due, for example, to illness or drug treatment. In theory, the vaccine may have a poorer protective effect, but nobody knows this because there is no data.
– You don’t see that there is a direct security problem, but they may have a worse effect response. The same is true of vaccines in general.
At the same time, more data is expected on how people with autoimmune diseases react to the vaccine. There are currently no specific recommendations for this group.
– If you have thoughts and doubts, you should reason with the doctor who is treating you.
The UK has two employees in healthcare has experienced severe allergic reactions after taking the Pfizer vaccine and urges people who have previously had such reactions to refrain from using the syringe. The EMA has reported that such reactions have been reported, but does not advise affected people to take the vaccine.
– On the other hand, it is important to have a close follow-up. The vaccine should be administered in rooms where it is possible to care for any hypersensitivity reaction and the individual should be followed for at least 15 minutes. If you have a strong reaction with the first dose, do not take a second dose according to the information on the product.
Read more:
We know that so far about Moderna’s vaccine
This is how the Pfizer vaccine protects