On Friday evening, a riot started in Malmö where participants blocked Amiralsgatan in Västra Kattarpsvägen and Scheelegatan by lighting fireworks and lighting up Bengals. According to the police, there is a connection to the burning of the Koran that took place that same day in the area.
The riots intensified during the afternoon towards the night and at 8:45 p.m. the crowd ran towards the police who forced them back, threw stones and eggs at the police and the photographers who were in the place, shouted slogans and “Allah is great”. they set tires and debris on fire. at the intersection. By 9 pm, more than 300 people had gathered.
The street opened at 02.30
At 11pm, the police had welcomed the crowd back to Rosengård and at 0230 Amiralsgatan was again open to traffic.
During the afternoon and evening, the police arrested or detained between 10 and 20 people, some of whom were suspected of crimes. Some policemen have also been slightly injured.
– There are about 15 people who are deprived of liberty for various reasons. I don’t know at the moment what kind of headings it is, says Patric Fors.
On Saturday, the Malmö police will be on site to talk to people and be visible.
– We will start a job of creating security during the morning and we will increase our visibility to create contact with the residents of the area, he says.
See also:
Hundreds of people protested against the burning of the Koran in Malmö.
KVP’s Maria Rydhagen reports on the protests.