On Wednesday morning, a large landslide occurred in Ask, which is located in the municipality of Gjerdrum, 20 km north of Oslo. Several injured people were picked up from the area of the landslide and taken to hospital.
The injury situation is unknown at the time of writing, but Eastern Police Operations Manager Kjetil Ringseth describes the situation as serious:
– It’s a serious situation. It’s a long run and it happened in the middle of the night, says Kjetil Ringseth at Dagbladet Police.
The landslide covers a large area in the community. Ask and County Highway 120 have been blocked.
At least five people to the hospital
At least five people have been taken to the hospital, VG reports. The Oslo University Hospital has entered a red alert, corresponding to a catastrophic situation, due to the accident.
It is currently unclear if anyone is missing, but a search is underway in the area. At 08:23, the police announce that they are still trying to get an overview of the situation:
– There are several residents who are missing, but we do not have a general idea of how many, says Svein Walle, in the Dagbladet police.
Geologists have assessed a large area as dangerous and it has been decided to evacuate between 150 and 200 people.
Norwegian Justice Minister Monica Mæland is following the situation, announces the Ministry of Justice via Twitter:
The article is updated