The new traffic ordinance requires that the vehicle’s mechanical speed limitation be removed. Now it is enough with the software restrictions, that is, electronic, which means that the vehicle can be easily manipulated to go faster when the driver wants it.
– The difference before was that you had to perform quite large operations, such as removing gearboxes. Now you just have to have software that you have on a USB stick and put it in your pocket at a police checkpoint, says Mikael Blomberg.
New strategy
For this reason, the weekend operation was carried out with civil police patrols and hidden controls, so that the police have time to measure the speeding violation before the electronic equipment is disconnected.
– As the rules have changed, the police can change their strategy. The purpose is, as with all traffic work, to reduce the number of traffic injuries. There is a very high risk that young people with AM driving licenses actually drive cars.
Both the driver and the registered owner can be convicted of a crime if the A-tractor has been tampered with.
“Pure traffic hazard”
This weekend’s efforts resulted in, among other things, 44 fines for vehicle misconduct or conduct, 11 speeding violations, 14 reports of Vehicle Ordinance violations, four reports of illegal driving and also a report of concern. to social services.
Mikael Blomberg reacted to the nature of A tractors.
– There are many changes. Many A tractors are in poor condition, in some cases purely dangerous. There may be faulty wheel sets where you have removed all the suspension, poor lighting, faulty windows, tinted glass, exhaust systems that are turned off in the middle so that the exhaust gases enter the cabin.