SD’s Josef Fransson accuses SR employees of activism


On Sunday, Member of Parliament Josef Fransson (SD) commented on the news of a protest call against racism on Swedish radio.

“Those who signed this petition have clearly demonstrated that they are political activists and should be very easy to fire an institution that has the stamp of being politically neutral,” he wrote in a statement on Twitter.

The update was shared also from the official Twitter account of the Sweden Democrats.

SR’s press manager Claes Bertilson tells DN that they do not comment on any comments from individual members of parliament or parties. He continues:

– We are truly independent politically and we will also act in this case. Raising an issue around one’s work environment, of course, is not something that affects anyone’s employment with us.

How DN earlier reported, Sveriges Radio employees believe the company discriminates in hiring and oversees minority issues. They also testify to various instances of racism in the workplace.

“We are not a company that is permeated by structural racism, I really want to emphasize that,” responded SR Executive Director Cilla Benkö, who also said she was “super sad and very concerned” when she read the appeal.

DN has sought out the Swedish Democrats.

Read more: Call to protest against racism on Swedish radio following in the footsteps of the BLM movement
