Schools are closing in New York


From: TT


In the Nov. 14 photo, New York school children demonstrate against school closings, which are now becoming a reality.

Photo: Mary Altaffer / AP / TT

In the Nov. 14 photo, New York school children demonstrate against school closings, which are now becoming a reality.

The largest city in the United States, New York, will close all public schools starting Thursday in an attempt to stop the spread of the corona virus, announced Mayor Bill de Blasio in a post on Twitter.

The closure is due to the fact that the city has exceeded the limit of an average of 3 percent positive test results during the last seven days.

“Unfortunately, this means that public schools will be closed as of tomorrow, Thursday, November 19, for security reasons. We must repel the second wave of covid-19,” de Blasio wrote.

Schools in New York have been open for about eight weeks, since they closed earlier this year due to the corona pandemic.

The spread of the virus in city schools has been at a low level since they opened in late September, and the increase in the number of infected people in the city does not appear to be related to the opening of schools, writes The New. York Times.

