This year there have been very few mosquitoes. Not that we missed them, but still.
Few animals die as fiercely as mosquitoes. Animal lovers rarely take mosquitoes as examples of animals that need to be protected. Mosquitoes are the bane of every man. During the summer, they wisely stayed away.
The lack of mosquitoes was compensated for by ticks. We have a family of deer with three half-grown children who think our little garden with roses and pansies is their pantry.
There the ticks now jump And I’ll ambush until I get there
Never before have I had so many ticks. They are easy to remove, but new ones are added every day.
No one closer to me has the same tick traits.
Starting to think they tried my meds. I keep medication stocks and myself up to date on pills for blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood fats.
I don’t know how ticks communicate, but they always find me and suck on the treats. I bet no one will find a single tick with high blood pressure near me.
Mosquitoes appeared even more during a few warm weeks in August. They invited us to a party in a house overlooking the sea. Then came the mosquitoes, in the company of flying ants.
Flying ants seem to love traditional table setting. Here were white fabrics that became even whiter due to the safe distance between the guests.
The flying ants fell in love with the white tablecloth and landed among plates, wine and shot glasses until the tablecloth quickly turned to black but very alive matter. Seagulls did not appear.
– Seagulls?
– Yes, seagulls eat flying ants, right?
– Yes, but seagulls are rare. The white-tailed eagle scares the gulls away from the nest and then the raven eats the gull eggs.
– We have seen crows chase away the sea eagles, we said as the darkness fell at sunset.
The darkness consisted mostly of swarms of mosquitoes sucking the blood of drunken diners until the mosquitoes were so full that they could not fly but had to go home.
Read more about Säverman’s kåserier, for example, on how the autumn mist devours the sounds in the archipelago.