Säpo: Billions disappear in espionage


Of: TT


Säpo believes that Swedish companies should review their security protection to protect against, for example, cyber espionage.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Åserud, Lise

Säpo believes that Swedish companies should review their security protection to protect themselves against, for example, cyber espionage. Stock Photography.

According to the Security Police, billions are lost every year due to cyber espionage and Swedish companies need to improve their protection. It is important to identify what needs to be protected, Säpo emphasizes.

According to Säpo, much of cyber espionage involves intelligence activities of other states.

– We see that some 15 states are carrying out illegal intelligence activities against Sweden, says Deputy Security Police Chief Charlotte von Essen, noting that the “most serious threat” comes from Russia and China.

Säpo estimates that information and knowledge obtained from abroad are valued at several billion.

– Use a wide range of tools. Everything from cyber espionage to influence operations and disinformation, but also strategic acquisitions is another tool he uses.

For authorities, companies and businesses, according to Charlotte von Essen, this is a three-part protection that needs to be reviewed.

– IT systems are part, for that you need physical security. This means that you have locks and alarms around the business that are worthy of protection, and you must also have security for the personnel. That is, you have loyal and trustworthy people who work with this sensitive information. As long as there are deficiencies in any of these three parts, it does not have adequate protection.

