Sahlgrenska welcomes yesterday’s announcement of tighter restrictions in Västra Götaland.
– We are very happy with the local restrictions. We see how people are behaving now and it will affect healthcare in two weeks. This is our chance to reduce the spread of the infection, which is doubling every week. We always want to stay one step ahead so that we are not overloaded, says Per Albertsson, pandemic care coordinator at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Sahlgrenska University Hospital has decided to cancel all elective, that is, non-emergency operations, for the next week.
– Not all activities are canceled. What is called pediatric surgery and what is called outpatient surgery – that is, simpler little things that don’t have bigger backing in the form of IVA sites – will continue as usual, says Gustaf Josefson (M), president of the Sahlgrenska board.
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I don’t want to charge VAT
The purpose is not to further overburden intensive care, which requires large human resources, and to ensure that the necessary capacity exists in the event of a further increase in the spread of the coronavirus.
We have had a very high production in the last weeks, the departments are full. We have to stop it now, says Per Albertsson.
The decision is valid for one week and over the next week Sahlgrenska will make a new assessment based on the situation and possibly make a new decision.
– Part of these efforts is about having VAT capacity if something goes wrong. As the situation is, we see that there is a risk that we may overcharge the VAT and in that case we must have people in regular care who can take care of it, says Gustaf Josefsson.
The strategy Sahlgrenska has had in the past means that covid care is handled at Östra Sjukhuset and that Sahlgrenska’s site is kept free. It will continue to remain. Nor is it relevant to start up the field hospital that was installed in the spring.
– It is not relevant to set up the tent, says Per Albertsson.
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Attention queues can grow
Sahlgrenska has accumulated a large debt of care because some parts of the care were put on hiatus during the spring. During the fall, the hospital has resumed much of the care on hiatus, but now there is a risk that it may be put back on hiatus for a longer period of time.
– This particular week is probably neither to nor from long term, but we will end up in an extended period here this winter, and there is much to suggest that if we watch the weather and enforce restrictions, then of course we can end in a seat where we build more repressed need, says board chair Gustaf Josefson.
GrönBlå-samverkan (Alliance and Green Party), which governs the Västra Götaland region, will decide early next week on an additional budget, which, among other things, will increase to 670 million to manage the queues.
Following yesterday’s announcement, that meeting had to be canceled. At present, it is unclear when the decision to add the money will be made.
– Of course we are aware of the problem. We hope the decision is made before the turn of the year and the planning conditions we have right now, says Gustaf Josefson.
READ MORE: Corona’s budget will handle West Sweden’s health debt
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