Sabuni: the state must assume greater responsibility in the care of the elderly


Nyamko Sabuni’s Christmas speech took place the same day the Crown Commission released its report with scathing criticism that society had failed to protect the elderly during the pandemic.

Nyamko Sabuni’s Christmas speech also initially focused on caring for the elderly.

The state must assume greater responsibility in solving problems in the care of the elderly, demanded Sabuni.

“System errors have been allowed to continue,” he said.

“It’s a crime”

Sabuni pointed out that three-quarters of all deaths in covid have affected people with elderly care. He also mentioned that a fifth of all older people who should have received an individual medical evaluation have been denied.

– Is seriously. It’s a crime. It’s age discrimination, Sabuni says.

Sabuni criticized the high staff turnover in caring for the elderly and listed the liberals’ proposals for change:

  • L wants to remove the prohibition on municipalities to employ their own doctors to care for the elderly.
  • All home-assisted seniors must have their own equipment. The number of caregivers per person receiving care should be cut in half.
  • All people with home care must have a permanent care contact

“Too bad coordination”

The L-leader attacked the general handling of the pandemic by the government.

– It has been too weak and its cooperation and coordination with the regions has been too bad, Sabuni said.

She believes the handling of the massive tests this spring was a failure.

– It should not be repeated. Before the upcoming vaccination, the state must take a clear responsibility, Sabuni said. He demanded that the government clarify that the state bears the full cost of vaccination and ensures that the vaccination plan is maintained, that it does not become a responsibility that falls entirely on the regions.
