S wants to introduce compulsory preschool from the age of two


The background of the motion is to give all children the same opportunities regardless of parental income, the Social Democrats write in the motivation of the proposal.

Preschool is primarily for children, and therefore children of the unemployed should not be denied schooling and children on parental leave should not be given a shorter time.

The motion deals with three proposals: make preschool education free in the long term, make preschool education compulsory from the age of two, and “guarantee the equal rights of all children to preschool.”

Behind the proposal there are eleven Social Democratic deputies.

“I don’t understand the reasoning”

But the motion has sparked reactions. As early as November last year, a collection of names and a Facebook group for parents was started, which opposed political discussions about the introduction of mandatory preschool for newcomers.

The collection of names is now up to 18,000 signatures. Many have been added since the motion was filed on October 5.

Madeleine Lidman started the name collection and is the founder of Föräldraupproret. She is also a deputy on the school committee of moderates in Solna, but emphasizes that the collection of names is separate from her political assignment. She describes that the exercise caused great outrage.

– Many have been really willing to cry. Ready to cry and shocked. Many are desperate, she says.

Madeleine Lidman herself believes the proposal is “unpleasant.”

– That it would be a problem if not all children go to preschool, I really can’t understand that reasoning. All children are different, the most important thing is that they have a form of care that suits them. Some go to family day care, some have multi-family systems, some have self-selected home care.

Anna Wallentheim (S) is one of the eleven members behind the motion.Photo: PARLIAMENT

Member: ‘No sharp proposals’

According to one of the members behind the proposal, Anna Wallentheim (S), the motion has been misinterpreted. The purpose of the motion was rather to elevate the debate on preschool education to a political level.

To SVT Nyheter he says:

– What we mean is that you need to do more research and research about preschool than what we do today.

By that, she doesn’t mean they are straying from the proposal.

– No, we are behind the exercise. But these are not blunt proposals. And there are no blunt proposals from the government either, says Anna Wallentheim.

For Madeleine Lidman, it sounds like an afterthought.

– She has her hot fish, there are many who have protested and if you are worried about children who do not go to preschool, then you should look for measures directed at that particular group.

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