Russia behind the cyberattack against the United States


According to government officials, cyberattacks pose a serious risk to the US government Hackers have used sophisticated tools to penetrate dozens of different IT systems, including nuclear labs, the Pentagon, the Treasury, and the Department of Commerce.

– I think now we can say quite clearly that it was the Russians who participated in this activity, says Chancellor Mike Pompeo in an interview with The Mark Levin Show, which was published on Friday.

President Donald Trump has yet to comment on the attack, which has been going on since last spring and was discovered by the private sector just a couple of weeks ago.

Russia denies any involvement. The country’s US ambassador, Anatoly I. Antonov, says there are “unfounded attempts by the US media to blame Russia” for the recent cyberattacks, writes the New York Times.

READ MORE: Donald Trump confirms secret cyberattack against Russia 2018
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