Write in the new autobiography about Carola’s alleged infidelity and details about the secret affair with the TV4 star.
Of: Torbjörn Ek
Runar Sögaard’s autobiography “God gave us ten commandments; I have broken nine of them” contains details of which he never spoke openly.
Paula’s secret engagement with Tilde, Carola’s alleged infidelity, and how he drove for hours to hit the man his then wife would have had an affair with.
– Carola managed to get him to withdraw the police report, says Runar.
Runar Sögaard’s autobiography “God gave us ten commandments; I have violated nine of them” will be published on Monday, October 26, 2020
An unknown engagement, an assault he had never admitted to before, and black money in a bank vault. When Runar sogaard On Monday he publishes his autobiography “God gave us ten commandments; I have broken nine of them” contains the amount of information that he had never counted before.
– It was quite clear what elements the book should have. Everything, from what formed me with my childhood and adolescence and then what has been a roller coaster called duga. It was important to include the highlights and the valleys. Not just for the sake of honesty, but because it really happened in my life.
Talk about divorce
For the first time, Runar Sögaard explains why the marriage took place Carola Häggkvist ended after ten years as married. In the book, he writes that he decided to file for a divorce after realizing that Carola was unfaithful to him.
-I was very clear during all those years that I would marry forever, we had a high tail and then I think I am obliged to tell it. Because when I left Carola, hundreds of letters arrived. It was a huge disappointment.
The third time I went to the Tax Agency, picked up the papers and handed them over
From the public?
– Yes, and a lot of the churches throughout Scandinavia. I felt like I owed them an apology. So it has also been hinted a lot from various quarters that I would have been unfaithful and that it was I who did terrible things. So I felt it was important for me to talk about this.
– The first time I forgave her, because forgiveness is important not only in faith. I can fall, I can fuck, we can all do that. The second time I stayed because I was that role model, but at the same time I also made it clear that if it happens again, you will not see me again. The third time I went to the Tax Agency, picked up the papers and handed them over. You were probably surprised then. He probably didn’t think he would leave her. Now I am speculating, but that may be why this bitterness has lived in her for so long. 20 years have passed.
Runar Sögaard writes about the divorce: “When I left Carola, there were hundreds of letters. It was a big disappointment “
Regret the abuse
Runar Sögaard’s editor has sent him the chapters on his ex-wife, but she has not responded. Carola’s press contact writes in an email to Aftonbladet that the artist has chosen not to read anything Runar wrote: “for deeply personal reasons, as time with him has done and still does quite a bit of damage.”
One episode in the book that touched me a lot is how you got in the car and drove to Norway, where you looked for the person she would have had an affair with and beat him up.
– Yes.
What made me feel bad is that I interpret a satisfaction in you around you writing about it.
– Absolutely yes and absolutely no. That story came out in Norway and it came out a bit in Sweden too, but Carola managed to get the police report removed. He was pissed off at the situation but of course he was totally wrong. There is no excuse for doing it. But he was disappointed, still very young and very stupid.
Photo: Stefan Jerrevång
“Of course it was totally wrong.” Runar Sögaard tells how he got in the car and drove from Stockholm to Oslo to hit a man
Engaged with Tilde de Paula
Vonbroten, is he Norwegian?
– It is a mixture of feeling hurt, disappointed, pissed off. It is not something I look back on with pride. Certainly not how you interpret it, I enjoyed writing it in the book. I never had that feeling. But as it caught the attention of the media, I brought it now to confirm and tell the background.
You have often been portrayed in the media as a womanizer, but in the book you emphasize that it was only a matter of a few longer relationships and that your biggest pain was when you broke up with Tilde de Paula. So you had proposed to her?
– Yes, I do.
I have not been free many times. I have done this three times and married two of them.
In July 2007, Aftonbladet posted footage from Runar Sögaard’s 40th birthday party, where he and the TV4 profile snuggle together. Less than two months later, Tilde de Paula denied the romance rumors with the words: “I’m not with him.” In “God gave us ten commandments, I have broken nine of them”, Runar Sögaard writes that he proposed to her in the early summer of the same year and that they got engaged during the acclaimed birthday party.
– There are not many times that I have been free. I’ve done it three times and married two of them. We managed to keep it a secret and it was at the end that the newspapers found out. But because it was a relationship that went so far that I was engaged and a relationship that even Amadeus has very fond and wonderful memories of, I thought it had an obvious place in the book.
Photo: Aftonbladet
In connection with Runar Sögaard’s 40th birthday party in the summer of 2007, Aftonbladet posted photos of him along with Tilde de Paula.
1 of 3 | Photo: KARIN TÖRNBLOM
Tilde de Paula and Runar Sögaard in a whirlwind in June 2006.
Synchronization errors
In the book, Runar Sögaard writes that he and Tilde de Paula celebrated their award at the Kristallen television gala and that she denied their relationship during a press conference the next day. But Tilde did not win an award at Kristallen in 2007. She was the host, however, and it was when it was announced a month before the television gala that she said she was single.
– When you say that, I become insecure, says Runar Sögaard.
Isn’t there a risk that such mistakes make the other things you write questionable?
– So everyone can wonder if they want, if that’s what they are looking for. What was the story for me is that we had a relationship, it was a commitment and it ended. If I missed a detail, then … I didn’t call Tilde to check. “Did you win that night?” I do not. I was wrong on the axis of time, my fault, he says.
I want to spread a message of reconciliation and of living for something greater than oneself.
Photo: Stefan Jerrevång
“We managed to keep it a secret and it was right at the end that the newspapers found out” Runar Sögaard in the fall of 2020 about his secret engagement to Tilde de Paula.
You write about speeding, black money, the verdict for accounting violations, your disappointment with the Word of Life and that Ulf Ekman is now a Catholic and confesses. To what extent is your autobiography your own way of confessing and asking for forgiveness?
– It is definitely a factor. All honesty and sincerity is about insight, maturity, and also understanding that other people may have taken it the wrong way. So it is definitely a hook to hang that concept.
If this is a financial statement from the first half of your life, what do you want to fill the second half with?
– I want to do a lot of what I have done but on a larger scale, with greater impact. I want to get involved and contribute to making the world a better place, increase honesty, tear down walls, both between individuals and between groups. We live in an incredibly polarized society, I think development is hideously unpleasant. I want to spread a message about reconciliation and motivation for what is to come and also about living for something greater than oneself.
Carola Häggkvist has declined to comment on Runar Sögaard’s autobiography. Tilde de Paula has also declined to comment on the information that she was engaged to Runar Sögaard.
“God gave us ten commandments; I have broken nine of them,” will be published on Monday, October 26.
Photo: Stefan Jerrevång
“I want to participate and help make the world a better place.” Runar Sögaard on the future.