A lot of leaks about the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Fold 2 have appeared on Twitter where, among other things, the camera set and a possible prize is revealed. The leaks that have appeared around the camera mainly refer to the resolution of the three cameras. Instead of having 12/16/12 megapixel on all three cameras, the new one will have 64/16/12 megapixel. The optics in front of these sensors is unclear, but it turns out.
The second revelation is the price level, here it seems that the price will be a little lower, around $ 100, than the previous cost. This is believed because Samsung would like to display the volumes of this type of phone.
As for the screen, the folding screen will be 7.7 inches, the other screen we do not have information on the size, but previous rumors say that the screen should be larger.
The leaks also mean that the launch will occur sometime in August, perhaps hand in hand with the launch of the new Note. But we still don’t know what impact the pandemic crown could have on future releases, so it may be a bit open.