Rockets against Israel when the peace agreement was signed


Of: Erik wiman


At the same time that the peace agreement was signed in Washington, two rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel.

The attack came as Hamas condemned the new agreement between Israel, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.

The so-called Abrahamic Agreements were signed by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Israel with the United States as the host country.

The recent signatures will strengthen ties between Israel and the two Arab countries and ensure peaceful relations in the future. The deal is seen as a huge gain in prestige for US President Donald Trump, who now believes the path to peace is being paved in the region.

Bahrain and the UAE have never recognized the state of Israel before, although unofficial ties have long been good, as the countries have a common enemy in Iran.

Even before the details of the deal were known, the deal has been well received by many countries, including Sweden.

– We hope that the agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and between Israel and Bahrain, respectively, can contribute to an opening for the negotiations between Israel and Palestine, Foreign Minister Anne Linde tells DN.

The peace agreement is signed here.

Photo: Alex Brandon / AP

The peace agreement is signed here.

Many Palestinians, on the other hand, view the agreement as a betrayal. In Gaza, people demonstrated in front of a UN building.

“The agreements are not worth the papers they are written on,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the militant Hamas movement that controls Gaza.

– Our people will continue our fight until we have recovered all our rights.

At the same time that the accords were being signed in Washington, alarm signals were sounded in the Israeli border cities of Ashkelon and Ashdod. At least two rockets have been fired from Gaza. One was fired on by Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system, the other crashed in Ashdod, where two people are said to have suffered minor shrapnel injuries.

Photo: Twitter

Surveillance footage of the blast in Ashdod.

Hamas has not claimed responsibility for the rocket attack.

Netanyahu’s adviser Aaron Klein commented on the attacks on Twitter.

– The cowardly terrorists in Gaza are desperate and firing rockets because they know that a new era of peace will isolate their financiers in Tehran.

The US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman also commented on the rocket attack and warned Hamas not to threaten Israel.

– It’s terrible, the job is not finished.

