“Journalist and presenter Kattis Ahlström on music, East German television and the Pope.” This is how this winter talk is described in the informational text I receive from Swedish Radio. Honestly, it doesn’t sound huge, I have time to think, but I quickly get tired of myself.
Not everything has to be so screwed up all the time. Plus, at least I got tired of the highly dramatized summer talks, where celebrity after celebrity compete in childhood trauma and a divorce can seem like a fate worse than death.
Kattis Ahlström is 54 years old. She is a journalist and presenter and for a period she was the general secretary of BRIS. In 2005 she received the Kristallen TV Award for “Female Host of the Year” and has featured everything from “Melodifestivalen” to “Arvinge unknown” and now this fall the SVT “Muren” contest.
Ahlström was Sommarvärd at P1 20016 and in 2018 she was named Christmas host at SVT.
This winter talk is nothing of the kind. It is a little journey through time, where we meet people who have meant something and influenced the life of Kattis Ahlström, whether they know it or not. This frame contains many anecdotes, about first love in the hallway at school, about getting a butterfly tattooed on her wrist, and yes, about how she tried to get the Pope under her nightgown with the help of three little questions.
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It is a story puzzle that requires nothing special from you who listen to it. You do not feel immediate pain, you do not die of laughter immediately. It burns a bit when Ahlström describes her commitment to BRIS, but otherwise it’s mostly a pleasant moment with a wise, confident, calm, down-to-earth, sometimes serious voice and yes … a little splendid (these are Katti’s own words) in the ear.
A little feast during a Christmas day break on the favorite couch, perhaps with Christmas presents on your feet and a mug of mulled wine in hand. This is how Kattis Ahlström herself describes what she wants to offer us to those of us who listen. And so is she. That’s plus a dull little song, a duet with idol Danny Kaye.
Winter Talk 12/26:
Ulf Danielsson, teacher.
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