Review: “Coffee” by Bertil Fredholm | Fredrik Sjöberg


SThe Swedish language is a jungle whose most unusual invective is probably “intestinal diva”, once coined here in SvD by Erik Zetterström, aka Kar de Mumma, speaking of the then immensely popular health preacher Are Waerland, a man who in his gospel He gladly pointed out that a good stool is the best pillow. Diseases don’t exist, he said, only faulty eating habits. Meat, fish, and eggs were banned; alcohol of course, but also salt, spices, sugar and coffee. There was still cold water, raw onions, dried nettles and other things that turned the followers into the accusation of “marijuana fans.”

It was in Bertil Fredholm’s new book “Kaffeologi” (Free Thought) that I met Are Waerland. Before that, I didn’t know anything about him. Apparently, during World War II, he had written a pamphlet on the depravity of coffee, and since his entire revelation seemed familiar to me from today’s hasty catastrophic alarm especially, I spent a few days reading in other sources about his life and work. So let’s put Fredholm aside for a moment; first Waerland, which is undoubtedly a find for the vaccine opponents and 5G paranoids who are currently demonstrating on the streets of Stockholm.
