Researchers are pleased with the discovery of walruses in the Arctic


From: TT


Walruses off the coast of Alaska.  Stock Photography.

Photo: Liz Labunski / AP / TT

Walruses off the coast of Alaska. Stock Photography.

Russian researchers have discovered some 3,000 walruses that have taken refuge on the shores of the Kara Sea in the Siberian Arctic. Walruses often spend their time on sea ice, but as it shrinks, they sometimes go ashore to take refuge on beaches and cliffs.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classified the walrus in 2016 as “near endangered” and estimates that there are around 12,500 adult Atlantic walruses in the world.

According to Andrej Boltunov, a researcher at the Marine Mammal Research and Expedition Center, the discovery on the Jamal Peninsula in western Siberia indicates that the walrus population may have recovered somewhat in the area.

– We want to believe that this is a positive sign, says Boltunov, who emphasizes, however, that there is currently too little information to be able to draw any conclusions.

