Requirements for restrictions: stop the second wave


The hospitalization curve in the country’s hospitals and intensive care units continues to point upward. Virologist Fredrik Elgh, a professor at Umeå University, has long demanded stricter restrictions.

He believes that the development is worrying and that the Swedish Public Health Agency must urgently propose more measures to limit the spread of the infection.

– I want to see a general order for the use of mouth guards, in places where they are useful, that is, indoors and where it is difficult to maintain distance. I think all high school students should work remotely and if possible all high school students as well.

– Also, we should close for a short time all the places where we can interact with people, because now we have to keep ourselves to ourselves for a few weeks. We must do the same things that many other European countries have done, says Fredrik Elgh.

I don’t want to exclude “blocking”

The virus professor is supported by Andreas Fischer, president of Stockholm Hospital Physicians, who participated in SVT’s “Morning Studio” on Tuesday. You also want to see tighter restrictions now.

– If you have a simulation that shows that the peak of infection occurs around Christmas Eve, then you must act. These are our patients and our members who will not be able to celebrate Christmas. So you need to be more proactive. A risk assessment showing a simulation like this. So you have to pull the parking brake much earlier, it says in the program.

It also proposes mouth protection and restrictions in public places. When SVT asks if Andreas Fischer wants to see a closure, he replies:

– I cannot rule out that it could facilitate and improve the situation before Christmas. All the studies, if you look at crisis contexts, show that if you give up something fast and hard, or change something, you can let go of restrictions. If it had been done now, we might have had some relief until Christmas.

Tegnell: “Harder than ever”

But Anders Tegnell does not see that further restrictions are necessary. During Tuesday’s press conference, the state epidemiologist said that the Public Health Agency will, however, return with recommendations on infectious travel over Christmas weekend.

– We already have stricter reactions. We ask people not to meet with anything outside the home, we ask business owners to limit the number of visitors and reduce the size of public gatherings to eight people, and we ban alcohol from 10 p.m. that restrictions are now stricter than ever, says Tegnell.

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Social Affairs Minister Lena Hallengren answered his questions about the crown.
