Relocated staff – pediatric operations postponed


From: TT


Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge Flemingsberg.

Photo: Erik Simander / TT

Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge Flemingsberg.

Joint care of adults is a priority at Karolinska University Hospital, which is now transferring staff from Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital. Therefore, planned children’s operations are postponed for the future, reports Dagens Nyheter.

– Several of our employees have already been transferred, and now it will be even more so because this situation with the pandemic continues, says Svante Norgren, thematic director of the Astrid Lindgren children’s hospital in Karolinska, to the newspaper.

There are a total of 120, partly doctors, but mostly nurses and nursing assistants on the move. For starters, at Christmas and New Years. According to DN, the measure means that all pediatric operations that are not considered urgent are postponed.

– We went down as in the summer staffing, you could say. Of course we are supportive and want to contribute to adult health care, but it is exhausting on our staff, Norgren tells DN.

