Reintroduced Medical Certificate Requirement – DN.SE


Various certification requirements were stopped to ease pressure on healthcare during the corona pandemic outbreak in March. But now the situation looks different and health care is again seen as having the capacity to handle the issuance of medical certificates, according to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (FK).

“It was an extraordinary situation in the spring of 2020 and the Swedish Social Security Agency was forced to adapt our way of working so that the society continued to function. We now see that care has a much lower burden and after talking with other stakeholders we have concluded that we will now return to normal handling of requests and associated time limits “, says Michael Erliksson, Head of Law at FK, in a press release.

The new old rules it goes into effect on November 1. From that moment on, a medical certificate will be required again from the 15th in case of sick leave and from the 8th in the case of reimbursement by vab.

The decision was made in consultation with, among others, the Swedish municipalities and regions (SKR), the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Public Health Agency (FHM).
