Reduce layoffs at Sweden’s largest university hospital – News (Ekot)


Ekot has received figures from the university hospitals in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Skåne, Örebro and Uppsala. A total of 2,863 doctors, nurses and nursing assistants from these hospitals completed their services between January and October of this year. Retirements are not included.

The hospitals that have had The least that have left are the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, the Skåne University Hospital and the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm. In total, there are 213 fewer than during the same period last year.

Karolinska has had the largest reduction in layoffs: about 15 percent.

– I think you are incredibly proud to be part of this context and want to continue with it, says Patricia Enocson, director of human resources at Karolinska University Hospital.

Örebro University Hospital and Akademiska sjukhuset in Uppsala, on the other hand, has had more people drop out during the first 10 months of the year compared to last year. In Uppsala there are 72 more and in Örebro 108.

– It has been a very stressful spring and summer, which of course can be reflected in the fact that some choose to work with other things, says Jonas Claesson, director of health and medical care at Örebro.

In total, for all hospitals, nurses account for the highest number of layoffs, a total of 1,617 out of 2,863, and even when filled with newly trained and external staff, Sineva Ribeiro of the Swedish Medical Association cautions that hospitals are losing important skills.

– It is the particularly skilled who leave, they are the ones we need, he says.

Hedda Berglund
[email protected]
