The coronavirus in Sweden
In Norrbotten, a record number of corona cases are reported in one day. In Skåne, more and more older people are infected.
The experiences of this spring show that the need for care follows the increase in the number of cases with a delay of about two weeks, according to the Stockholm Region, where the number of covid patients continues to increase.
150 people have been confirmed infected with the coronavirus overnight Friday in the Norrbotten region, which is the highest number on record in the county on a single day.
“It just came to our notice then. Approximately 250 people with covid-19 in two days, which means that we will probably double the number of people with covid-19 this week compared to last year,” says infection control doctor. from the Anders Nystedt region in a press release.
Also in Skåne the spread of the infection continues to increase throughout the county. During Thursday, 481 new cases were reported. In recent days, a substantial increase in covid-19 has been observed among older people, the Skåne Region stated in a press release on Friday. The infection has also spread to more and more nursing homes, depending on the region. The number of people receiving care in hospitals is also increasing.
In Stockholm, the number of patients enrolled in emergency hospitals continues to increase. According to Friday’s report, 148 patients were seen at county hospitals, 29 more compared to Tuesday. 15 people receive intensive care.
The Stockholm Region states that the need for care is likely to continue to increase in the coming weeks. The experience of the flood of covid patients this spring shows that the need follows the increase in the number of cases with a delay of about two weeks.
In Västra Götaland, there were a total of 80 hospitalized covid-19 patients in hospitals on Friday, which is 16 more compared to Monday. An additional 742 new cases were also found in the region, compared to the previous day.
Östergötland region Health management has increased in the staff position, due to recent negative developments. On Saturday, 32 patients with covid-19 will be treated at the hospital in the region, which is twelve more compared to Monday.
On Friday, four more deaths were reported in Sweden, according to the Public Health Agency. Thus, a total of 5,938 infected people had died in the country.