Confidence in the Swedish Public Health Agency and Anders Tegnell reaches the lowest levels since the pandemic began, according to the DN / Ipsos survey in December. Confidence is also plummeting for several of the authorities involved.
The majority of the Swedish population still has great confidence in Anders Tegnell and the Public Health Agency. Stock Photography.
Confidence in the authorities’ ability to cope with the pandemic continues to decline. In December, 34 percent responded that they have a lot of trust in the authorities in general, starting in September when the proportion was 56 percent.
The proportion of people with high confidence in the Swedish Public Health Agency has fallen from 68 percent in October to 52 percent in December. The proportion with high confidence in state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has dropped from 72 percent to 59 percent during the same period.
In all cases, these are the lowest prices since the measurements began in March.
– Confidence is in a downward spiral. The great risk is that if trust in the authorities disappears, fewer people will listen to the advice and recommendations they give. It can have real life-and-death consequences, Ipsos’s opinion analyst Nicklas Källebring tells DN.
Confidence in the Swedish Civil Contingency Agency, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the care of the elderly is also plummeting to new levels.
The proportion that feels great confidence in the government is 31 percent in December. At the same time, 12 percent say they are satisfied with the performance of the opposition during the pandemic.