Anders Tegnell: It is reasonable that it becomes May
In Denmark, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said in her New Year’s speech that the country would have reached a tipping point in terms of the pandemic this Easter. Now he makes another assessment: the change occurs in May.
He then calculates that everyone over 50 and those in risk groups have been vaccinated in Denmark.
Anders Tegnell also believes that the situation in Sweden has improved so far.
– It will certainly improve in May, that’s a reasonable assessment. But I’m not sure the change is as dramatic this time as it has been before, as the vaccine is also coming in as a slowdown factor.
Max 500 in shops and department stores
The Swedish Public Health Agency proposes a maximum limit for the number of visitors to commercial places, such as shops and department stores.
This is because the one person per 10 square meter rule can still generate a large number of visitors in large facilities.
The proposal means that the maximum number should never exceed 500 people, regardless of the area of the place of negotiation.
The new rules are proposed to go into effect on March 6, 2021.
The infection is increasing dramatically in Västra Götaland
Last week, 5,964 new cases were found in Västra Götaland, an increase of 25 percent. The infection increases most at the age of 10 to 19 years, where the increase is 57 percent between the past week and the week before.
Regarding the need for hospitals in the region, Ann Söderström, director of health and medical care, says it remains high, but is at a fairly constant level.
But there are fears that more people will need hospital care in the future.
– As more and more people become infected with covid-19, we unfortunately have to take into account the fact that more and more people will also become seriously ill and need hospital care. Pressure on medical care followed the spread of the infection throughout the pandemic. I want to call on everyone to do everything possible to reduce the infection, we need help to prevent a new wave.
The infection is increasing dramatically in Västra Götaland