Today is September 30, a deadline that negotiators have set for themselves for entirely practical reasons: tomorrow the postponed negotiations on new wages are expected to begin.
But it is also a date that the government cooperation parties, the Liberals and the Center Party, have pointed out several times. If the parties fail, the parties want to push through legislation in accordance with a research proposal that the government considers unbalanced.
The parties have from in mid-August they met twice a week, but more recently every day. Unions fight for safer jobs and more education, employer wants more flexible labor law. All parties – the workers’ LO, the wage earners’ PTK and the employers’ Confederation of Swedish Companies – want to keep politicians out.
The negotiations continue in good spirits, the will is there but “nobody knows what it will be like in the end”, as one source says. Experience suggests that it will be a long Wednesday session, it may well be until midnight. No planned press conference was announced this morning.
In two of the three constituent areas, everyone must agree to an agreement, there is consensus. This applies to better conditions for those who are forced to quit their jobs or want to continue their education, a fundamental problem for PTK and a reformed unemployment insurance.
But that’s the question on employment protection that has been severely mutilated lately, this is where the main contradictions lie. The Confederation of Swedish Companies wants to make it easier and cheaper to hire and fire people. For example, you want to avoid paying salary when there is a dispute and make further exceptions to the “last in, first out” rule.
LO prioritizes the fight against “unsafe jobs”, wants to abolish what is called a general fixed term and make it easier for contract workers to get a fixed job. LO refuses to abandon the “factual basis” in case of dismissal in accordance with the Employment Protection Act, read.